Cloud Integration provides the Security Material tile to enable users to manage security material on the tenant. After clicking on the link, you’ll be redirected to a page similar to the figure below. This table displays a list of the different security materials that have been deployed on the tenant and shows details about these security artifacts in different columns. The table provides descriptions of the columns. If you’re not satisfied with the sorting or filtering of the table shown in, you can change and customize it using the Table Settings icon at the top-right corner. OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: The OAuth framework defines the standard for providing third-party applications with limited access to an owner’s resources hosted on servers without sharing credentials. The OAuth 2.0 framework supports multiple grant types such as client credentials and authorization code grant flows. For detailed information on the OAuth 2.0 framework, go to Let’s now explore how you can add or deploy a new security artifact to your tenant. Follow these steps: Credential artifacts can be changed and edited by performing the following steps: SSH known hosts can be uploaded by clicking on the Upload menu and downloaded by clicking the save icon, as shown in the final figure. Furthermore, all artifact types can be removed from the tenant by clicking the trashcan icon. In case of an OAuth 2 authorization code, the artifact can be authorized by clicking on the … icon. Editor’s note: This post has been adapted from a section of the book Cloud Integration with SAP Integration Suite: The Comprehensive Guide by John Mutumba Bilay, Shashank Singh, Swati Singh, Peter Gutsche, and Mandy Krimmel.